Estero – Miromar

What to Do If You Experience a Reaction to Lash Extensions

  • Published
  • Last Updated
  • November 2nd, 2023
Lash stylist performing a lash application

If you develop a reaction after getting lash extensions or experience adhesive allergy symptoms, this blog is going to dive into what you can do.

Reactions to Lash Extensions

At The Lash Lounge Estero – Miromar, we go to great lengths to ensure reactions do not occur when we’re working with our guests to give them custom, gorgeous AND safe lash extensions. However, reactions can still occur if they:

  1. are currently on or recently stopped taking certain medications
  2. experience a recent change in eye sensitivities
  3. are undergoing or recently stopped certain medical treatments
  4. have an unknown allergy
  5. are currently experiencing or prone to severe seasonal allergies
  6. do not accurately provide info to their stylist about the above

What We Do To Avoid Allergic Reactions to Lash Extensions

Interior of Lash Lounge service area

Taking measures to prevent reactions for our guests in Estero is our top priority. Here’s what we do:

  • During a guest’s first visit, we supply them with a form so that they can share any info we should know prior to the application. This includes any type of allergies or previous reactions they’ve had to lash applications, adhesives or tape.
  • We also ask them about medications and any current or recent eye issues or sensitivities.
  • If the stylist learns the guest could potentially be allergic to lash extensions based off the provided info, a patch test will be performed.

Lash Adhesive Allergies

Our salon in Estero we have a variety of adhesives that range in strengths to accommodate guests with allergies. For guests who may be concerned about adhesives or would like to determine whether a specific adhesive may work better for them, this is also where a patch test is performed.

Wondering what a patch test is and how it’s done? 🤔

Get the full details in this related blog post: Sensitive Eyes and Lash Services: What To Know

What To Do If You Have An Allergic Reaction to Lash Extensions

If you experience irritation to your eyes such as itchiness, soreness, burning, swelling or notice that your eyes are red after getting eyelash extensions, call us right away.

If your stylist is busy with another guest, you can ask to speak to another available stylist. They will make note of this in your file and tell you what you can do:

A Lash Lounge stylist chatting with a guest
  1. Refrain from rubbing your eyes. (Rubbing will only further irritate them.)
  2. Apply hydrocortisone cream
  3. Take an antihistamine

If doing the above does not treat the reaction, we suggest contacting us and request to set up an appointment to come in for a safe removal of your lash extensions. During that time, you and your FL stylist can discuss other options for enhancing your lashes with other lash services we provide.

Play It Safe From The Start. Choose The Lash Lounge!

If you decide to go to elsewhere in FL for your lashes, we urge you to do your research about them and make sure they have been properly trained and are certified lash technicians.

Aside from what we’ve shared above, many people encounter allergic reactions to lash extensions due to improper application during the service.

At The Lash Lounge Estero – Miromar all of our stylists receive extensive training and must meet the proper requirements to become certified in Estero before working with guests. To avoid a lash extension mishap or feel at ease knowing that if you do have a reaction, you’re in professional hands, choose The Lash Lounge!