How To Take Care of Yourself With 2 Tips To Make It Happen at The Lash Lounge - Phoenix

With the busy, nonstop lifestyle you lead, placing self-care at the top of your list can be tough—we get it. That’s why The Lash Lounge - Phoenix is here to share 2 things you can do to prioritize self-care and make sure you get the time you deserve!

Tip #1: How To Prioritize Self-Care at The Lash Lounge - Phoenix and Enjoy It
Ever feel like self-care is a chore? Maybe it’s because you don’t truly enjoy what you’ve slotted in for “me” time.
For example, do you feel on top of the world after some physical activity? That’s awesome!
Next question: What type of workout gets your adrenaline going? While your friends might prefer a heart-pumping spin class, you know yoga is more your jam. To ensure you’ll show up for your self-care time, book that yoga class!
Do what YOU love each and every time.
Here’s another quick example: The new nail art trends are all the rage but not exactly your cup of tea. Ask yourself: Are you really going to make time for it?
Instead, what is it you do LOVE? Well, if we know anything about you, it’s a lash and brow tint at The Lash Lounge - Phoenix! 😉
Lying back on that comfy, plush bed and escaping the hustle and bustle of life while your trusted Phoenix stylist at The Lash Lounge - Phoenix transforms your lashes and brows…now, THAT’S self-care heaven! 🙌🏾
It all boils down to this:
if you don’t enjoy what you’re claiming as self-care, then you probably won’t show up for it. But if you love, dream, and count down the days until you get that time for YOU, then you WILL make it a priority!

Tip #2: What Is Self-Care? How to Prioritize and Plan Ahead With The Lash Lounge - Phoenix!
The easiest way to make sure you are truly prioritizing self-care is by planning in advance!
If self-care for you is joining your favorite book club, block out that time on your calendar each week. If getting together with your best gal pals is a great self-care gift, start a group text and set a date for your next get-together weeks in advance.
And if you love nothing more than your biweekly visits to The Lash Lounge - Phoenix for your relaxing lash refills, get them scheduled sooner rather than later on days and times that allow you to truly enjoy.
If you take a little time to plan ahead and lock the things in that make you feel your very best, you ARE making self-care a priority. And the best part…👉🏽you’re more likely to make it happen regularly!
Scheduling Tip: If at all possible, try not to schedule “Lash Day” right before a big meeting or minutes before school pick-up. Feeling antsy about where you have to run to next might keep you from relaxing to your fullest at The Lash Lounge - Phoenix.
Say “So Long” to Self-Care Struggles With These Tips From The Lash Lounge - Phoenix
If self-care is always on your mind, if you’re always trying to make it happen but can’t seem to get in a routine, take these tips to heart and, better yet, give one (or both) a try! You may be surprised how truly enjoying your self-care routine makes a difference when it comes to prioritizing.
Already a pro at making self-care happen in your life? Tell us your secret!