Sacramento – DOCO

Beat the Winter Blues with Tips to Boost Your Mood

  • Published
  • Last Updated
  • May 29th, 2024
middle aged woman standing in snow stretching

Wondering how you can beat the winter blues in CA? Try these tips on how to stay happy in the winter season. ❄️

How to Get More Energy in The Winter

Winter’s dark mornings and evenings often leave us feeling gloomy and depleted. While it’s tempting to stay cozied up in bed all day, it’s important to ensure you’re keeping yourself energized to fight off that fatigued feeling in.

  • Get Outside: We know what you’re thinking… why would I voluntarily go out into the cold?! One word: SUNLIGHT. ☀️ The low energy you feel could be from lack of vitamin D since there’s far less sunshine during winter. Even a simple walk around the block will make ALL the difference. Plus, the fresh air in Sacramento will do wonders too!
  • Eat for Energy: Fueling your body with nutrients is just what you need. Start your day off with Greek yogurt loaded with nuts, granola and fruit! 🫐 A solid breakfast will give you the energy to power through the day! When dinner time rolls around, keep it simple and healthy. Our rec: Season up some salmon and toss it in the air fryer to get those omega-3s!
  • Stretch your body: If your muscles are tight from sitting all day (hello, work from home peeps!), it’s essential to move your body. When we stretch, oxygen gets delivered to our muscles. Just 10 minutes a day of basic stretching will make a difference in how you feel. Want to amp it up? Try yoga or pilates in Sacramento! 🧘🏽‍♀️

Adopt at least one of these tips to get your energy up, and you’ll be ready for activities to be happy all winter long in CA.

How to Increase Happiness in The Colder Months

The winter blues can make us feel stagnant and unmotivated. Especially once the holiday season is over, things can just feel dreary. Good news: There are so many things you can do to combat this feeling.

  • Look good, feel good: It’s no secret that when we look our best, we feel our best. Keeping up with your hair appointments or trying out a new makeup look are great options! We do have a few favorites of our own though. 👀 Feeling like a 10/10 is easy with lash and brow services from The Lash Lounge Sacramento – DOCO! From custom lash extensions to more lash and brow services, we have a fit for everyone. You’ll LOVE the way you feel and look after a visit to one of our chic salons. Plus, it’s impossible to be in a bad mood after a lash nap! 😉
  • Pick up a new hobby: Endless scrolling on social media or binge watching reality tv is fun in the moment, but it’s not doing your mental health any favors. Consider learning something new that invigorates your brain, like learning a new language or trying out some new recipes!
  • Schedule in self-care: Having a self-care ritual is vital to your mental health and overall mood. Some fun ideas: Weekly dinners to catch up with your girlfriends, relaxing baths every night to wind down for bed or setting your intentions for each day with journaling! The options are truly endless in Sacramento.

Boost Your Mood All Winter Long

We hope at least one of these tips helps you feel revitalized this winter! Remember, The Lash Lounge Sacramento – DOCO is ALWAYS here to provide a pick-me-up even amongst the gloomiest of seasons in CA. 💜