Lash Shedding Season Is Here

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woman's hand holding lashes that shed

Fall is around the corner and so is lash season…or should we say lash shedding season?! Learn about lash shedding and how to protect YOUR lash extensions so they can stay full and fabulous for fall and beyond. 🍁

Why Do Eyelashes Shed?

We all know that the hair on our head sheds and for some, it can seem bewildering that our lashes shed, too. But don’t worry! Eyelash shedding IS a natural occurance.*

Get the scoop below on lash shedding and WHY it happens. ⤵️

  • Natural lashes fall out in cycles and regrow every 60–90 days
  • When one lash sheds, another one is already growing to replace it (cool, huh?)
  • It’s normal to shed 1–5 eyelashes per day, AKA 20% of our lashes every 2 weeks
  • As the seasons and temps change, our body reacts and shedding occurs (more on this below)
    • Another way to think about this is how animals shed their winter coats. Same thing with us and our hair/lashes, we shed!

*Natural lash shedding does not include shedding for those who have a medical issue or are experiencing hair loss due to an illness or medications.

a woman's sneakers and fall leaves on ground

When is Lash Shedding Season?

When we think about seasons changing, it’s spring and fall that come to mind. Why? These two seasons tend to be the most dramatic in terms of temperature and humidity changes.

During the fall season, our bodies naturally increase the production of oil to keep our hair and skin from experiencing dryness and dehydration. Due to this, we often notice that our hair starts to shed more than usual which means we’ll probably see more shedding occur with our lashes, too.

While it’s not possible to completely keep your lashes from shedding since it’s a natural part of how our body works, there ARE ways to combat lash shedding and protect your lash line…even with lash extensions! 🙌

How To Protect Your Lashes From Lash Shedding

Let’s get straight to it! Our number one tip for protecting lash extensions during fall lash shedding season is to use a protective lash sealant.

Here at The Lash Lounge we have TWO sealant options: Lash Armor Crystal and Lash Armor Onyx. Both formulas shield, seal and protect your lashes during lash shed season.

woman's hand holding 2 Lash Armor sealants


Here are more facts about our lash sealants and what they do.

  • They work to strengthen the adhesive bond between your extensions and your natural lashes.
  • They protect against daily elements like humidity, moisture, oils, dust and more.
  • Using a lash sealant regularly results in better lash retention.
  • Our sealants include natural extracts and vitamins that promote lash regrowth and an overall healthier lash line.

Whether you choose our Crystal formula for a clear coat or Onyx for a deep yet natural hue, both sealants will give your lashes the protection they need during eyelash shed season!

Related Topic: How To Apply Lash Armor

✨ One last important tip: make sure you’re keeping your lash line clean and acing your aftercare routine



Your Lashes This Season

When you have lash extensions, not only do you want to protect them, but you want to protect the investment you’ve made in them! Chat with your lash stylist during your next appointment about Lash Armor and ask for more tips for combatting shedding season for lashes!