How to Destress During the Holidays

The holiday season can be chaotic—that’s why it’s SO important to manage your stress amidst the hustle and bustle! Lucky for you, we’ve got some holiday relaxation tips to share!
Simplify Your Morning Routine
Our to-do lists can get even longer this time of year, so it comes as no surprise that we begin to feel stressed when we see tasks stack up. Our obligations, whether work or personal, can feel less intimidating if we simplify the way we start the day! The way your morning goes sets the tone for the rest of day, so why wouldn’t we want to make it as enjoyable as possible?! Here are some fool-proof ways to do this.
Get Your Cup of Joe Ready The Night Before
If you need coffee to get your day rolling, this is the perfect tip for you. You can add your grounds the night before, program to brew at whatever time you wake up and awake to the smell of coffee knowing it’s ready to go! ☕️ The easiest time-saving hack EVER, seriously!
Cut Your Beauty Routine in Half
Chances are that your morning makeup routine takes a good chunk of your time. Getting a service done at The Lash Lounge such as a lash lift and tint, can significantly cut down your morning beauty regimen. Toss the eyelash curler and mascara and opt for a short lash appointment just once a month. You’ll be SO glad you did!

Steer Clear of Scrolling
We totally know it can be tempting to grab your phone and check your notifications as soon as your eyes open, but this can get your morning off track in you’re not careful. Instead, try to make a habit of leaving your phone alone first thing in the morning and focus on what matters for the day. Use the time to make yourself a power breakfast, sit with your coffee a little longer, listen to a podcast while showering or take your pup for a walk. These types of things will start your day off right!
Implement Some Healthy Habits
Whether it’s taking 15 minutes to meditate or you join a fitness class with your bestie, block off some time every day to do something that gets your body moving. Staying active will help reduce anxiety and keep your mind clear. Lack of sunlight during this time of year can also play a factor in feeling not so great, so make sure you’re soaking in some sunshine when you can!
Protect Your Peace
It can be hard to not say yes to every social event during the holidays. We know that it’s tempting to try and please every friend and family member that invites you to their gathering but spreading yourself too thin is a sure-fire way to burn out. Setting boundaries around your time is key to protecting your peace and your friends and family should be understanding. Chances are, they’re trying to do the same thing.

Practice Self-Care
During the holiday season (and always) it’s essential to make sure your cup is full before doing so for anyone else! Giving others your time and being truly generous can only happen if you make sure you are prioritizing your mental well-being. Investing in yourself benefits not only you, but those around you as well! Self-care isn’t a one-size fits all deal. If looking your best helps you FEEL your best, then schedule some self-care at The Lash Lounge! Allow yourself some “me time” every other week by getting lash extensions that accentuate your natural beauty and ignite confidence from within. 💜
Something else more your style? Try journaling or reading that new book you’ve been wanting to crack open! The options are limitless and will help your mind feel more at ease when you go about your day.
Remember What Matters Most This Season
Above all, this holiday season, try not to get caught up in what you think you need to be doing. Take pleasures in the simple joys of the season! Need some inspo: think back to what you TRULY enjoyed about the season when you were a kid. Was it watching your favorite holiday movie over and over (AND over)? Baking tasty treats with your family? Playing in the snow? Whatever it is, try to remember what truly matters, enjoy yourself, spend time with those you love AND allow yourself to do things that bring you joy!
Prioritize Stress Relief During the Holidays
Managing holiday stress doesn’t have to be complicated. These little tips and tricks can do wonders to relieve some of the weight you feel on your shoulders. Regardless, we hope The Lash Lounge can be a part of what gives you some peace of mind. 💜