A Day in the Lash Life: Teacher + Business Owner, Cate Gale

“See it in our eyes. We are women. We are warriors. Bosses, trailblazers, moms, sisters, daughters—every day, we face the world.”
You may have heard these words before. Maybe you’ve seen them on our salon wall or come across them on social media. These powerful lines were pulled straight from our brand manifesto where we lay it all out on the table: The Lash Lounge exists for you—to fuel the confidence you take with you every day…in whichever roles you play and through all of your accomplishments.
Today, we’re super excited to give you an inside look into the day and the (lash) life of a real-life Lash Lounge woman, Cate Gale.
Cate lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in Texas and is a regular guest of The Lash Lounge Prosper – Gates of Prosper. Talk about a killer set of lashes, right? But what’s even more impressive is how she puts them to work for her!
Get ready to see how this busy boss lady does it all—and just how The Lash Lounge is helping her simplify her beauty routine and feel rejuvenated and gorgeous along the way!
Living Life With Lashes: An Interview With DFW Teacher, Influencer + Business Owner, Cate Gale
LL: We’d love to hear a little about your profession and your daily routine!
CG: I am a middle school teacher and also a business owner of two online companies. When I’m not working, I am a gym junkie and I also volunteer every week with student ministry programs. Needless to say, I am constantly on the go.
LL: How has getting lash extensions enhanced your busy life?
CG: On days when I don’t want to wear much (or any) makeup, I still feel put-together by having lash extensions. And not only do I feel put together, but I also feel super confident when getting out with little to no makeup on.
LL: Does having lash extensions simplify your daily beauty routine?
CG: Yes, it does! In fact, it has cut down my morning routine by at least 15 minutes.
LL: What does it mean to you to feel and look beautiful while being a boss and working woman at the same time?
CG: That’s a great question!
First off I think that every woman, despite what they do for a living should never feel like they have to sacrifice their confidence or what makes them feel beautiful to also be fulfilled in their career. I fully understand that so many of us are constantly on the go, many working multiple jobs while taking care of loved ones daily. But, self care is not selfish, and in order to function as our highest selves, we need to feel confident, so whatever that may be for someone, lashes, nails, makeup, hair, etc. they need to make that a priority. Feeling super confident raises our vibration that echoes out into the world, and all of that comes back to us tenfold. So when we’re sending out confident vibes, those all come back to us in different ways.
What does that mean to me:
I LOVE all that I do, and I love that having my lashes done when I wake up, allows me to tackle other things and feel confident and beautiful while looking my best. Lashes give me that extra pep in my step knowing that I don’t have to spend an hour on makeup and I can still shine!
LL: What are some other beauty related benefits you are enjoying now that you have lash extensions?
CG: What I enjoy most is that I don’t have to worry about dreaded mascara smudges, especially during allergy season or when I’m feeling a little teary-eyed.
LL: Summer will be here before we know it, which brings us to our next question: What do you think will be the biggest benefit of having extensions during the summer months?
CG: What I’m most looking forward to this summer is being able to go to the pool and not having to worry about my mascara running. Total game-changer!
LL: What do you love most about visiting The Lash Lounge and receiving your service?
CG: The lash naps are amazing, but what I really love most is the guest service. It’s SO great! The staff listens to you and treats you like a princess. I am also obsessed with the atmosphere! I feel like I’m getting the VIP treatment every-single-time.
LL: Lastly, in 3 words, please tell us how you feel after your appointment when you leave The Lash Lounge.
CG: Valued, rejuvenated, and beautiful!
Hearing our valued guests share how our services at The Lash Lounge have simplified their daily routines and given them priceless and empowered feelings of beauty and confidence is music to our ears. Many thanks to Cate for taking time out of her busy schedule to give us an inside look into her lash life!
Are you a Lash Lounge guest? Would you love to share your lash life and get the chance to be featured here on our blog? Send us a message on Instagram and let’s connect!
(images courtesy of Cate Gale)