10 Simple Ways to De-Stress

April is Stress Awareness Month and no matter what it may be, from work, kids, relationships or just life in general, we all have stress. Take note of these 10 simple ways to de-stress and do yourself a favor and try at least one this week.
1. Take A Walk
While just about any walk will help to clear your head and boost endorphins, consider walking in a park or other green space, which can actually put your body into a state of meditation. (via huffingtonpost.com)
2. Finish The Tough Stuff First
Try to get your most complicated tasks out of the way early in the day so that they’re not looming over you for hours. Think of it as a “best for last” technique and you’ll start to look forward to your afternoons. (via popsugar.com)
3. Aromatherapy
Smell is often an underrated sense when it comes to our daily lives; we generally take for granted the ability to smell. In fact, smelling (and our olfactory nerve, which gives us our sense of smell) gives us the ability to connect directly to our brain. The olfactory nerve sends responses to the amygdala, which is responsible for our emotions, motivation, and nervous system. According to a study from the Pharmacy Department of Brazil, Aromatherapy has been proven to help reduce anxiety as effectively as prescribed medicine. (via darngoodyarn.com)
4. Take The Edge Off
Find ways to take the edge off your stress. Simple things, like a warm bath, listening to music, or spending time on a favorite hobby, can give you a much-needed break from the stressors in your life. (via ewellnessmag.com) Psstt Ladies . . . take a break at The Lash Lounge where our luxurious, spa like environment makes relaxing during one of your favorite services the perfect escape!
5. Learn To Say No
Learning to say ‘no’ is an important aspect of maintaining a good mental health. We understand your need to help everyone, but trust us – that won’t bring you any good in the long run. It’ll just lead to a faster burnout, so focus on yourself and achieve a peaceful state of mind. (via spiritselfhealth.com)
6. Turn on Some Tunes
While classical music has a particularly soothing effect — it slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure and even decreases levels of stress hormones — any music that you love will flood your brain with feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine. Don’t have your headphones handy? Try humming or making your own music. One study of stressed-out nursing students found that recreational music-making relieved stress and prevented burnout.(via huffingtonpost.com)
7. Establish Your ‘Me’ Time
People live really hectic lives these days, which leave them no time to wonder if they are truly happy and satisfied with what they’ve got. Establishing your ‘me’ time can help you to make that happen, so don’t be afraid to set some boundaries and do whatever feels right for you. Finding a new hobby can be extremely beneficial for your well-being, no matter if you opt for knitting, reading books, working out, hiking, or watching movies. There are a lot of different options you can explore, and it really doesn’t matter which one you’ll pick as long as you’re satisfied with it.
8. Connect with A Friend
Socializing is one of the easiest ways to distract yourself from everyday anxieties, so call up a pal to chat for a few minutes. Try to avoid any work-related venting and stick to fun, tension-free topics instead. (via popsugar.com)
9. Visualize
A short visualization is an easy way to get back to center. Even the National Institutes for Health recognizes the power of “guided imagery” to elicit a relaxation response. Simply make yourself comfortable (at your desk, in an empty conference room — wherever!) and then try to picture a peaceful scene: a future vacation, your favorite beach. You can even visualize yourself accomplishing a future goal or, as Women’s Health magazine puts it, “picture yourself in an elevator, happily sandwiched between two hot actors of your choice.” (via huffingtonpost.com)
10. Unplug
It’s impossible to escape stress when it follows you everywhere. Cut the cord. Avoid emails and TV news. Take time each day — even if it’s for just 10 or 15 minutes — to escape from the world. (via ewellnessmag.com)