
Back To School: Tips and Truths From a Lash Lounge Mom

  • Published
  • Last Updated
  • December 21st, 2022
A woman and her son smiling from a balcony overlooking the water

Getting your kiddos and yourself in the back-to-school routine? Me too! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lindsey Nabors and I am the social media coordinator for The Lash Lounge.

While I’m not exactly a seasoned pro with this mom thing, I am a busy working mother who understands how it is to get used to new routines, schedules, the excitement, stresses and adjustments this time of year brings.

Along with the work I do (which I love, by the way), I am the proud mom of a darling five-year-old little boy. This year was a BIG one for us because he started kindergarten…pass the Kleenex, please! (Side note: Until I was a mom, I never truly grasped what a big deal this really is, I’ll admit it. But, boy, I sure do now!)

Today, I’m going to share a little insight into a few things I’ve experienced during my own back-to-school journey with my son. It’s my hope that these tips (and truths) help other moms, or simply let them know they’re not alone. So, bring on the coffee…and the lashes—we got this! #MomPower

Lindsey and her son posing in two different images in a collage.


This idea is nothing new, but it’s a saving grace for me and my family. Growing up, my mom always laid our clothes out the night before so when we got up, we were ready to go!

I do the same now! Since I’m a working mom, doing this makes me feel less stressed in the mornings and helps us get out the door frenzy free.

And it’s not just clothes I prep. I get backpacks and even my own work bag ready so we can grab and go. On my best days, I go so far as to make sure BOTH of my son’s shoes are found and by the back door. Then, I even set my keys out so there’s not a mad search as we’re trying to leave. Hate it when that happens!

Another total lifesaver in the mornings? My lash extensions, of course! I don’t have to take as much time when it comes to makeup and, no matter the day, my lashes make feel confident and also give my tired eyes a much needed refreshed and rested look.

Finally, prepping lunches is also big for us and something I do every night. I used to skip my own lunch prep, but that has changed. I now get my lunch together so I’m not scrambling to do it the morning of. It also gives me a little more time to pack some healthier options.

So, moms, think of yourself, too, when it comes to lunch prep. Whether you need a full lunch for work or you have a jam-packed day of errands and appointments, throw some snacks in your bag so you can keep your mom tank fueled up!

A young boy leaning towards his dog on his bed


Unless you stay strict with bedtimes during the summer (props to those of you who do!), getting back to sensible sleep schedules is tough. A couple weeks before school started, we tried to bump up bedtime a little earlier each night; that way it wasn’t as abrupt of a change and struggle all at once. Some nights were better than others but, overall, it helped!

Pro Tip! Don’t beat yourself up and compare your kids’ betimes to what others do. Do what works for you and your family’s schedule.


Before school started, I knew we had a few things we needed to work on to better prepare my little man for kindergarten. We sat down at the kitchen table often. Some days, he stuck with things, while other days it was harder to make it fun and keep his attention.

That’s when I tried to get creative with making tasks into games. He even pretended he was the teacher, which he loved as he mastered his newly learned skills. I work with him most days and my husband also helps to keep that learning wheel turning (Hooray for teamwork!). If we get a productive 10–15 minutes in each day, I feel like we’ve accomplished something. The goal is to keep this up even now that school’s in session, so he can practice everything he’s learning.

Whether you have a small child or teen, anything we can do to make the learning process fun and enjoyable for our kids (and ourselves as we help them) can make it less of a struggle for everyone. Although, I must admit, I’m not quite sure how this will pan out when he is a teen. Thinking a heaping plate of homemade, gooey chocolate chip cookies might help when it’s time to sit down and study for those ACTs. Crossing my fingers on that one!

a young boy standing in front of an art easel painting


It doesn’t matter if you work or stay at home, being a mom is the hardest, yet most rewarding job there is. With the work I juggle, I often find myself feeling immense mom guilt from things like checking email too often when I should be more present or worrying about a messy house instead of sitting down and reading a book to my little boy. I’ll admit, it’s a daily struggle. I’m tearing up just thinking about it!

What I’m learning is to focus less on the things I’m not doing and instead celebrate the things I AM doing. It’s so easy to see only the negative sometimes, but when you train yourself to think about all that you are accomplishing while also being a mom, you will feel less guilty and think, “Wow, I’m doing a pretty good job!”

What can you do? Just take it day by day. Some days, you’ll knock it out of the park and other days it might be more of a struggle. Join me in focusing more on all the good we’re doing as mothers and let’s pat ourselves on the back more often!


Once schedules start filling up with school, homework and activities, sometimes it seems like our kiddos don’t have much time to play and do the little things they love. Even over the summer with baseball games night after night, I realized that we were keeping such a busy schedule that my son wasn’t getting that extra creative playtime that he needs and loves so much, especially with his gang of superheroes!

Now that school has started, my son comes home, plays and unwinds before diving into homework or prepping for the next busy day. Heck, us grownups like to come home after a long day and unwind a bit. Our kids do, too!

A young boy sitting on the floor playing with action figure toys.


This is also a tough one for me…just because I’m so busy and pretty much all of my time goes to my family and work. However, I’ve taken some steps over the last couple of years to MAKE time for myself…and not feel guilty about it.

I now make it a point to hit up the gym a couple times a week and I always feel SO much better and energetic after I do. I’ve also tried to get together with friends more often because, as moms, our souls need that time with our gal pals and fellow mothers!

Want to know what’s at the top of my “mommy time” list? That’s right—getting lash extensions! I literally count down the days ’til my next refill appointment. Just the mere thought of getting to enjoy a nice long quiet hour to relax, plus that much-needed lash nap, has me raring to drive to The Lash Lounge. Pure bliss in my book! It’s amazing how refreshed I feel and how rejuvenated I look after my appointment. Getting lashed every other week is definitely a win-win!

The bottom line: We cannot give our “all” to work or family if we don’t do some things for ourselves. Whether it’s going to the gym, or simply getting an afternoon to yourself to shop or see friends, make it a point to make that time for YOU!

Like I mentioned, I’m not a seasoned pro at this mom or back-to-school thing. I’m simply learning as I go, doing what works for me and my family and also looking to my rockstar mom friends and the creative approaches they’re taking each day.

If you have some back to school tips or simply some advice for other mothers, please share! And to all you moms out there, YOU GOT THIS!